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Geocommons updates, some good, some not so good

March 18, 2013

I am continuing to create maps and trends, trying to create the best possible way to present my data. Playing around with geocommons, I have began to create muliple maps that map players from around the world in decade intervals (For example 1919-1928, 1928-1929, so on…) This strategy has furthered my ability to show trends in player origins. However, of course with every map there is the odd data set that is in the complete wrong spot on the map. One interesting thing about geocommons though is that it can create multiple charts and graphs with the data it is presented with. This can also help me provide and indicate trends over the years on my website.

However, as it has seemed throughout this whole ordeal, with one step forward, there is another one back. I was about halfway through creating these new maps, when geocommons decided it would stop processing my information for no apparent reason. I now have maps that have been “pending” for hours now, and I am unable to delete them.

Thats the latest

Good Luck all!

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  1. Hey Vince,

    I too have decided to use Geocommons and have noticed that at times the program can be very difficult. I’m having an extremely difficult time getting my points to plot in the appropriate place. Everytime I think I have one, it turns up somewhere else. I have continuously tweaked my data but see little pattern between those tweaks and where my points ultimately end up. I’ve had some as far off as South America, when they should be in Europe. Do you have any specific pointers on how to get around this? Have you experienced the same problem?

    If you could get back to me that would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance, Steve

    • Yes I have been having the same problem, mostly with Czech Republic and Slovakian players. I have looked at the QANDA board on geocommons, and the employees say there is a problem with the geocoder with locations outside of The United States. This is tough to work around, seeing as the amount of errers skyrocket if you include provinces into the dataset. If I figure something out I’ll let you know

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